The very hungry caterpillar

by Soror Nyx


This work is a guided meditation. And it’s about the growth of the very hungry little Caterpillar. I think you all know the book of the very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle. In german Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt. And if not, it doesn‘t matter.

Please be informed, it may contain traces of black.

For information on risks and side-effects please read the timetable and ask your MT  or priest of chaos.


There will be no will of intent before we start the ritual. But there will be a point in the guided meditation, where you can form your own will of intent. 


Make yourself comfortable. Let your breathing calm down. And close your eyes.

Imagine you are a little caterpillar. Just hatched from a little egg. Everything is strange and new to you. You look around. You are sitting on a green leave. Around you there is an endless green meadow. You realise that your stomach is growling. You are hungry! You need something to eat immediately. You look around further and spot an apple laying at the ground, right in front of you. It looks so delicious. So, you crawl tot o the apple and start to eat. It‘s really very delicious. At the end of the day you ate across the apple and fall asleep contentedly.

The next day you wake up and are very hungry again. You look around for something to eat and see two pears not far away. You quickly crawl over and start to eat. First trough one and then trough the other. At the evening you are finished and fall asleep happily.

You wake up in the morning feeling very hungry. As you look around you find three delicious plums. You immediately crawl over and start to eat across all three. Yummy! At the end of the day you go to sleep again in peace.

With the first sunbeams you open your eyes and you are still hungry. Not far away you see four strawberries. When you arrive, you start to eat trough them. They are so sweet! You are finished in the evening and lay down tired.

In the morning you awake with huge hunger. Fortunately, there are fife oranges right in front of your nose. You quickly begin your meal and eat your way through all five of them. The peel is a little bit bitter, but the inner is juicy and sweet. As you have finished you fall asleep immediately.

As you open your eyes in the morning you are hungrier than ever before. You really need something to eat. Not far away there is a picnic blanket with many delicacies. You are so lucky! You eat through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon. That night you have a stomach ache and don’t sleep very well.

In the morning the stomach-ache is still there. You aren’t in the mood to eat very much. So, you crawl up a plant and eat a bit of a green leaf. It helps. The stomach-ache is gone. But you’re still not hungry. On contrary, you feel really full for the first time in your life. You look at yourself and realize, that you aren’t a small caterpillar anymore. You have become tall and fat. You feel very good.

A new need appears that you didn’t know before. You want to hide away. So, you crawl under a big leave and start to build a cocoon of fine spider treads around yourself. First there are just a few threads. But then it gets more and more tightly. And in the end, you are completely enveloped in it. You feel safe and warm and good inside your cocoon.

Your stomach feels empty by now. But you’re not hungry. You feel so good. You feel so safe and reaIly good. Nothing bothers you anymore.

You notice that you gradually can’t feel your body anymore, but its fine for you. It starts with the sensation on your skin. You can’t feel what’s around you. No warmth, no cold, and no contact with the cocoon. Then you can’t feel the movement of your muscles in your body anymore. And you can’t move any longer. After a while you can’t feel your stomach either. And no other stirring inside of yourself. Its like all the nerve cords to your brain don’t work any longer. You are immobile and don’t feel anything.

Therefore, you don’t notice that your stomach produces more and more stomach acid. So much that your whole stomach is full of it and overflows. And you produce even more and more.

You don’t feel either that the acid is slowly dissolving your stomach. Holes appear in your stomach and the acid flows into your belly. And the acid dissolves more and more of your body. All the organs, your heart, your lung and your skin. Everything is dissolving to a sticky soup. Your bones are dissolving too. And your head. Even your brain.

Everything and every part of you is dissolving to a slimy, sticky mass. Nothing of you is left. Only very few living cells are swimming in this soup of your dissolved body. You could say that you are dead. You don’t have a heart that is beating. You don’t have a brain to think or control your body. You don’t even have a body. All the features of life no longer exist with you. But still you are not dead. You are in the middle of a metamorphosis!

The few lively cells, which are left, come together in this soup. They connect to each other and start to divine, as cells of a fertilized egg cell do. Soon there is a cell cluster. More and more cells are created. You are growing like an embryo. It goes faster and faster. You start to build a body. You form a heart and it begins to beat. You build organs and mouth, nose and eyes. Along with muscles, nerves and a brain.

You realize in this process, that you aren’t a caterpillar. You remember your actual self. You realize that you are building yourself together again. And like the caterpillar, which always dreamed of flying, grows to a butterfly, so you can grow to all that you dreamed of. You can change everything you like. You only must speak your will of intent now.

Your body is nearly restored. You feel as good as it has been for a long time. You are rested and recovered. And in a certain way you are. The last cells are Divining to restore you completely in your new form. And with opening your eyes, you come out of your cocoon an greet the world as a new-born human.


In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf.
One Sunday morning, the warm sun came up and pop! – out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.
He started to look for some food.
On Monday he ate through one apple. But he was still hungry.
On Tuesday, he ate through two pears, but he was still hungry.
On Wednesday, he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry.
On Thursday, he ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry.
On Friday, he ate through five oranges, but he was still hungry.
On Saturday he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon. That night he had a stomach ache!
The next day was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through one nice green leaf, and after that he felt much better.
Now he wasn’t hungry anymore, and he wasn’t a little caterpillar anymore. He was a big, fat caterpillar.
He built a small house around himself, called a Cocoon, and he stayed inside for more than two weeks.
Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out, and…
he was a beautiful butterfly.